We are proud to present to you a unique scoring algorithm to determine which STEAM brands and which STEAM products we see as best for you. How do we do that?
Online Reviews
Our team of experts and unique technology we've built is constantly monitoring online reviews for each of the brands we showcase on our website. In our scoring we consider the sentiment of reviews we process as an important factor in our final rating.
We understand that different products fit different ages and interest groups. That's why we've created many different top-10 comparison tables for products, each best fit it's target audience. For example - 6 years old boys will probably have different interest comparing to 12 years old girls. That's why each one of our scores is best fit to the target audience we're focused at.
Brands Reputation
We collect feedback from our community of above 2000 members who have active subscription with the brands we work with. We make sure that each one of the brands published and reviewed in the website is keeping it's good reputation by delivering high quality goods, on time and as promised.
Focus Groups
One of the more important things about STEAM kits is having FUN! We have a group of kids testing the different products produced by the brands we work with and review important aspects of the products.